Site Situation Spectator: Alternative Readings of Space and History
Singapore Architect 251 (2009): 138-45. Co-authored with Hanan Alsagoff.

Site, Situation, Spectator is an exhibition, second in a series, co-curated and executed by students from the National University of Singapore (NUS). It is the product of an independent-study module under the University Scholars' Programme (USP) for students from the Department of Architecture, conducted in collaboration with NUS Museum. Strategically positioned at the crossroads between Architecture and Art, the main intention of this module is to introduce interdisciplinary perspectives into the architectural discipline. This is done by developing new methods of "site" mapping in relation to parameters of "situation" and "spectator", thus, complementing more static and physical notions related to site work. The exhibits emerge from a critical engagement with the site-bound spatial practices, and their attendant socio-historical-political contexts.